Woodmill High School

Learning Pathways 2025-26

Information to guide pupils through the course choice process is contained below.  Please start by viewing the Sway presentation that links to the correct year group.

Copies of the course choice booklets and options forms are also listed for each year group.  Further information on subject areas and the courses offered are on the “Subject Choice Videos” page. 


Learning Pathway Introductory Information:

S4 Learning Pathways Information

S5/S6 Learning Pathways Information



Please see the below links for Subject Information Videos and Senior Course Choice Forms and Booklets.

Subject Information Videos


S3 Course Choice Form 

S3 Course Choice Information Booklet 


S5/S6 Course Choice Form

Senior Course Choice Information Booklet



Key dates

S3 Course Choice (for current S2 pupils) starts 10/2/2025 forms must be returned by 28/2/2025.

S4 Course Choice (for current S3 pupils) starts 28/1/2025 forms must be returned by 14/2/2025.

S5/S6 Course Choice (for current S4/S5 pupils) starts 24/2/2025 forms must be returned by 14/3/2025.


Parental Information Sessions

Information sessions to support the course choice process will be held at the following times:

S3 Learning Pathways (for pupils currently in S2) - Wednesday 5th February from 5.30pm until 6.30pm
A copy of the presentation used in the event is available here: S3_Pathways_Presentation_25
S5/S6 Learning Pathways (for pupils currently in S4/S5) - Wednesday 18th February from 5.30pm until 6.30pm.
A copy of the presentation used in the event will be available here:

S5 S6 Pathways Presentation