Woodmill High School

National 3 & 4 English

National 3, and 4 English*

English is a mandatory course choice in S4, and the majority of our pupils progress to National 4 or National 5 English, with a smaller number working through National 3, which follows the same process and course content. Pupils who pass at the appropriate level in S4 may progress to the next level in S5.

National 4 English

Is it for me?

Studying N4 English:

  • You can enjoy different ways of working including whole class, small group and individual tasks.
  • You should realise that most employers and colleges will look for a qualification in English.
  • You will become more confident in reading, writing, talking and listening.
  • You can work with a range of texts from media to plays and poetry, with some room for personal choice.
  • You can have the chance to progress to an exam-based English qualification when you are ready.

What will I learn?

You will develop skills and knowledge in:

  • Understanding how language works.
  • Planning and researching.
  • Communicating your ideas and opinions.
  • Improving your literacy skills.
  • Producing an Added Value Unit displaying the skills you have learned.

What can I do with it?

Careers and education routes:

  • National 4 is good preparation for undertaking National 5 English.
  • National 4 English will also help prepare you for reading, writing, talking and listening in the workplace or on a college course.

*Some adjustments have been made to the structure of courses in 2020-22 because of disruption caused by Covid-19