Woodmill High School



A Message from the Rector

We are Woodmill...

Welcome to our school website.

Woodmill is a non-denominational, comprehensive school serving the eastern part of Dunfermline.  As of August 2024 we are on a site shared with St Columbus High School, and an integrated shared department of additional support, our Enhanced Provision which meets the needs of young people with a range of moderate to severe learning needs.

As of 2024 the roll of the school is over 1400 young people, having increased over the last few years as the Eastern part of Dunfermline has continued to grow to respond to the residential building programme in the Dunfermline Eastern Expansion. 

Woodmill High School sets high expectations for all of its pupils and works with its partner agencies to support our young people.  We aim to set high academic goals, whilst being an inclusive school that values all of its pupils contributions.  As a school we are committed to offering our pupils a wide range of opportunities whether it is as part of the formal curriculum or as part of the broad range of extra-curricular activities and experiences that are on offer.  

We have a strong focus on attainment and our young people enjoy success in moving onto positive destinations in employment, training , apprenticeships, college, and university. Our SQA results are consistently above the Fife average and there is a strong trend of continuous improvement.

Staff give generously of their time to provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities and Woodmill pupils enjoy a significant level of success at regional and national level in a wide range of areas. Woodmill has been recognised as the Scottish Schools' Football Association School of the Year, 2020, as well as the Kingdom FM Local Hero School of the Year 2020. 

We work closely with our associated Primary Schools which are Carnegie, Duloch, Lynburn, and Touch, where we are actively involved in the planning and creating of transition opportunities which enhances pupil experiences and consolidates a sense of greater identity within the school cluster.

Over the last few months our school and the community have moved to a purpose built campus which will also be shared with Fife College. The move to this new school site started for Woodmill, with the fire we experienced in August 2019, that damaged and destroyed a large part of the building. Despite the difficulty that this created for our young people and our school community, our young people, parents and staff came together demonstrating our strength and shared values as a school. This shared value has continued, and will continue to be at the core of who we are as a school. 

WE are Woodmill. 

 A D McIntosh RSW



We LearnWe Respect We Succeed