Woodmill High School

Moving ON

The Pupil Support Team are committed to working with our young people and their families to identify and sustain a positive post-school destination. Most commonly, our pupils will leave school to training, employment, Further or Higher Education.



The Guidance staff meet regularly with key partners including SDS as we want to provide tailored support to young people when they leave school, specifically those who are not moving on to learning or work. Our focus is on helping those most at risk of not finding a positive, sustained destination after their secondary education.



Our careers team consists of Natalie Curtis (Career advisor) and Rachael Brough (Career advisor). They work with our young people and help them to make their career choices about education, training and employment. This is carried out in discussion with the student and involves listening to their ideas, discussing their interests and providing guidance and support. The careers team can be found in the Counselling room in B corridor where a range of services including a drop-in session at lunchtimes and a face to face services are offered according to the level of support required by students. Pupils can access the online resource My World of Work which aims to help young people plan, build and direct their career throughout their lives. Providing information on skills, learning and employment, it supports the Scottish Government’s ambitions for the improved delivery of an all age, universal careers service. Students can see jobs in action, build their CVs; search for vacancies and explore training opportunities in a way that’s personal to them.



At Woodmill approximately 40% of our S6 pupils apply to Higher Education, though this has increased in the last few years. The Guidance team meet with pupils to help them with personal statements, references and to offer advice around choosing a course or place of study. This is an ongoing process throughout term 1 (UCAS), all year (College) and is individualised for each young person relating to need.