Woodmill High School

Enhanced Provision (formerly DAS)

Principal Teachers

Mrs C Swinburne – PTC ASL (Head of Department)

Miss J White – PT ASL


Class Teachers

Mrs Laura Berry

Mrs Rhona Gaddini

Mrs Rebecca Keeble

Mrs Nicola More

Mrs Leeanne Nicol

Miss Andrea Renton

Mr John Sturrock 


Pupil Support Assistants

Mrs Jennifer Barber

Mrs Lynn Carle

Mrs Gillian Downey

Mrs Audrey Dunsmore

Mrs Karen Dunsmore

Mrs Karen Forsyth

Mrs Lesley Keenan

Mrs Ailsa McDermott

Ms Sharon Masterton

Mrs Diane Michie

Mrs Jacqui O’Neill

Ms Natalie Smith

Mrs Vanessa Taylor

Mrs Linsey Thompson

Mrs Karin Whitfield

Ms Lizzie Wilson



Welcome to the DLC Enhanced Provision at Woodmill High School. The department provides education for secondary pupils with a wide range of Additional Support Needs. We currently have six classes within the department ranging from S1 to S6 pupils. Pupils are taught in small class groups with a staff to pupil ratio as appropriate to the needs of the young people. At Woodmill High School we embrace the vision that every pupil deserves an equal opportunity to access the curriculum and progress. Our collaborative approaches involves working closely with teachers, parents and carers, pupils and outside agencies to create bespoke support strategies to cater for the specific needs of each young person.


The DLC Enhanced Provision aims to provide a nurturing, positive and inclusive learning environment where young people can access the curriculum in a small, supportive group for some or all of their learning. For those pupils who are able to cope academically, emotionally and socially, part of their timetable may be that they access classes delivered in the mainstream school. This is reviewed closely with subject specialist teachers and parents/carers to support success and progression. The curriculum in the department reflects, where possible, that offered in mainstream, however learning is pitched at a differentiated level and adapted to individual needs.

The Core Curricular areas taught in the department are Mathematics and Numeracy, English and Literacy, Social Subjects, Outdoor Learning, Religious and Moral Education and Health and Wellbeing. Teaching of ‘life skills’ is inbuilt into pupils’ programmes and our school curriculum. Developing pupil independence is encouraged from first year and expanded upon as the child moves through the year groups.

S1 – S3 Broad General Education

Young people have the opportunity to access a Broad General Education within the department. Most pupils work on individual Numeracy, Literacy and Health and wellbeing targets in the DAS, as well as covering a broad range of other curricular areas throughout the year during Topic Work.

S4 – S6 Senior Phase

Senior pupils have access to National Qualifications offered at National 1, National 2 and National 3 level in the department, including awards in Personal Achievement and Personal Development. Some pupils in the department are timetabled for mainstream classes, as appropriate, in subjects where there will be an element of enjoyment and success, to meet their learning needs and allow a suitable level of challenge and natural progression. S5 and S6 pupils can also aspire to become a DAS prefect leader and have the opportunity for leadership responsibilities within the department.

Some pupils have additional opportunities to attend mainstream faculties as part of a small discrete class, usually in Art, Drama, RE, Science, Home Economics, PE, CDT and Business. Subject specialist teachers can also deliver lessons within the DAS. There are also opportunities to take part in outdoor learning experiences and learning in the community. Our young people are currently working towards Natural Connections awards for their learning outdoors.

The department works closely and in partnership with various other professionals and support agencies such as Fife College, Social Work, Health, Educational Psychology, Disability Sport and so on. The DAS also works in close collaboration with Support for Learning, Enhanced Support (WES) and other subject departments within the school.