Woodmill High School

Work Experience

Over the last few years we have seen our young people experience success because of their experience with local and national employers. This has in the past been a local link with a number of businesses. In the last few months the process for work experience has changed and become more focussed. This is a significant step forward and we are now using the Workit software and programme to support our young people form better and stronger connections with the world of work. All of our S4-6 pupils have been registered on the system and - through PSE and staff support - are able to access the range of employers partnering with Fife and the school. However, we need to develop the range of employers and the connection to businesses. If you are keen for your child to be involved in a work experience or you are an  employer (member of staff) able to support work experience please email the address below and share your details. 
